Welcome! As an intuitive card reader and developing psychic medium, Trish empowers you to trust in your own intuition and helps facilitate your healing journey by connecting to passed loved ones.


Intuitive Sessions

Intuitive readings are a great way to get some guidance! During your reading Trish will utilize tools like tarot and oracle cards, as well as intuitive messages that come through. In this work Trish sets the intention for you to receive the messages you need most for your highest good. These readings may be general, or focus on a specific life area.

Please note that Trish does not read health, fertility or legal matters. Please contact trained professionals regarding these topics.

Channeled Messages

Channeled messages are a quick way to get some guidance from your spirit team. These messages are 100% spirit led, meaning no specific topics or questions will be used. In these sessions Trish will enter a meditative state calling on your spirit team for your messages. (Emailed Intuitive Readings are also available here)

Please note that these are not LIVE sessions. All channeled messages will be emailed within 24hrs. of purchase.

Sitting with spirit

Sitting with spirit sessions help you to connect to your lost loved ones. Trish practices evidential mediumship and recommends brushing up on details regarding your loved ones at the time of booking. Some examples of evidence that typically comes through include, significant dates, interests of your loved one and favorite memories with them. Trish aims to provide “ungooglable” evidence to reassure you that your loved ones are truly present.

the developing medium

I once held space for the belief that you must have a natural born ability, seeing full bodied apparitions, partaking in full conversation with departed loved ones -in the same fashion that we do here in our human form. Thanks, Hollywood. Through my own experience and encounters with spirit I have since changed that stance. I am an advocate for development and it is my belief that we all have the capability of connecting with spirit.

I practice evidential mediumship. By evidential, I mean that I connect, receive and share the information from your loved ones that simply can’t be “googled” Providing evidence that only you would know makes messages from loved ones that much sweeter when they come through.

I do not bring in personal biases, belief systems or opinions into readings. I am simply a conduit for your loved ones to send their “hellos”. Our loved ones are always with us. I understand that it may sometimes be difficult to connect to our loved ones ourselves, or we may struggle to feel our loved ones energy around at times. With that, my goal is to leave you in a better place than you came to me, by providing substantial evidence that your loved ones are always around.

Navigating trauma

Intuitive readings can often help us find clarity within our lives. Sometimes these readings may even help us grow from past trauma and loss. Mediumship is a great resource to help bring comfort regarding our lost loved ones.

However, it is important to note that receiving readings or spiritual work should not be treated as a substitute for counseling or treatment from medical professionals. Receiving readings frequently can lead to dependency causing more harm than good.

Below is a PDF with a few resources if you are struggling. These resources are primarily available in the United States. I encourage you to research assistance in your area as well, as you may have additional resources available that better fit your needs.